2,5 room & kitchen

Fridge & freezer, cooking range with four hot plates + oven + cooker hood Toilet and shower, attic storage and TV channels. The drawing of the 1-room apartment represents the apartments at Stallvägen 30 and 32. There is no wall section between the windows of the 1-room apartments at Stallvägen 20–26, they are positioned next to one another. Otherwise, the floor plan is more-or-less the same for all apartments. All apartments are supplied unfurnished. The rent includes household electricity, water and heating and internet.

Other information

In each building there are separate, furnished study rooms that are available for booking. Residents also have access to two laundry rooms per building, open 24/7. The laundry rooms operate on a ‘drop in’ basis, i.e. you can do your laundry when a machine is available. The area also features a sauna and local gym for our tenants.


 6 916:-(10 month rent)

 2,5 ROOM, 38 m2


Kitchen Fridge/freezer, cooking range with four hot plates + oven and cooker hood.
Electricity, heating and water Included in the rent
Broadband 100 Mbit/s, included in the rent. For additional information, see netatonce.se

